Study Abroad and Travel Opportunities

Study Abroad Overview

Opportunities to expand and enhance what you learn here at USAO are available through study abroad experiences. Participating in these has numerous benefits, such as:

  • Increased empathy

  • A more profound knowledge and understanding of other cultures

  • Diverse perspectives from other nations

  • Enhanced ability to analzye issues while valuing different viewpoints

  • Increased respect and tolerance of differences


Study Abroad opportunities in Europe for 2024

The Expatriates in Europe: Germany, Italy and Switzerland | Summer 2024

(Registration currently closed)

Contact Dr. Brenda Brown

Study Abroad opportunities in Morocco

Morocco | May 26th - June 4th, 2025

Walking tours of Chefchaouen, Fes, Ouarzazate, and Marrakech
Ziz Oasis and Forest of Azrou
Archeological Site of Volubilis
Todra Gorge Exploration
Berber Farmers Visit
Khettaras Service Learning
Saadian Tombs Exploration
Camel Ride in the Sahara Desert
... and more!

Find out more.

Contact Dr. Jason Shaw


Support the Study Abroad Program

To support the Study Abroad program, please use the "Give Now" button below.

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